To all of our faithful customers,

We want to let you know that as of Thursday, July 11, we will be raising the prices of our custom-painted, personalized dolls. Thank you all for placing your orders and sharing your feedback with us! The level of craftsmanship that goes into our custom-painted pieces has become more and more detailed and specific, and this requires from us more time to complete each order. You will be able to see our prices in our shop on Thursday. We are also happy to be introducing a new, Standard Set, which is intended for brides and grooms with a lower budget. Please keep in mind that the dolls we use for our custom and standard sets are hand-chisled on an electric lathe in Bogotá, Colombia. Each doll takes about 3-5 minutes to turn. We pay our carpenter a price per piece that is fairly and jointly agreed upon. Thanks again for your support!

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